Running away with myself

It’s inevitable if you’re anxious and in a relationship certain things will worry you and those things will then spend all your energy supplies trying to make you mad.

The smallest of worries can manifest into heinous barrages of dread and despair. The more you care about the person or the “root” of the issue the more you sit with your head in your hands, rocking rhythmically to your own heart beat. This simply adds fuel to the already burning fear inside you.

During this time I find it peaceful to speak to friends and have the people around me set my head straight as I struggle to do so myself.

It’s also very healing to write down your thoughts and even to express deep emotion, if only alone.

I’d love to know your thoughts so get in touch!

Peace, love and light

My rabbit

I darling bunny satti is preparing to give birth. We love her very much and can’t wait for the little ones.





Rabbits truly are the greatest pets and I recommend you to adopt one today from your closet pet shop.

Peace, light and love

The right way to live you life by Thomas Stone

It occurred to me that life is a game much like the game of monopoly.

As you know the game is played with so many players and you are one of them, any one of them you like, you choose .

The aim of the game can be likened to so many of your lives, the game of material collection. Be it cars, houses, money itself, barbie or action man, we all want stuff.

This led me to think that what’s the point of all that if when you move celestial dimensions or “die”, all that stuff goes to someone else and repeated until the material rots away and degrades in the background.

So I had to now think of something I could keep once i move on just in case there is something after the years passed on earth.

The answer, my friends, is quite simple….. LOVE!

Now I know I sound like a hippy here but frankly, people will always love you years after you have gone so the logical answer is to love everyone who enters your life. For when you give love you also receive it.

So go forth and spead the love my friends

Peace, light and love